Monday, September 14, 2009

Great plan for vacation

Myrtle Beach Resort is the perfect vacation destination for families with young children. Last summer our family went to Myrtle Beach with our three kids. Expense was a concern, but with careful planning, we were able to put together a terrific and affordable excursion. Here are some tips to a great family vacation on Myrtle Beach.Staying on the beach made mobility with our baby much easier, no packing of baby equipment in the car or lugging for long treks to the beach.

Myrtle Beach Resorts are usually conveniently equipped with a washer and dryer which save money and time that would have been spent in laundromats. Myrtle Beach Hotels actively searched properties that had an indoor pool or an overhang that covered the pool. They lucked out and got one with an indoor pool, so even if the weather was bad, our three kids could still splash in the water. It also provided a great refuge from the hot sun.

sunshine smile