Monday, April 6, 2009

What am I doing?

Just checking out my friends blog, blog hop hop and I hope they hop hop on my page too! It so nice outside, I did some pooper scooper at the backyard. Its been a while since we pick some poops for some reasons. Me and my honey cleaned up the filter in our hot tub today, geeezzzzzz because of this cold weather we haven't clean it for I guess 3 weeks now. I'm gonna make mango float later today, we just got home from the vet for our dog's last vaccine and renew her pets insurance. I am doing some laundry while updating my blogs. I'll do the towels today, its not too bad though. Tonight we might just stay home for dinner, I'll think about it of what its gonna be. My honey is at the studio to sign up some checks.... have a good one my fellow bloggers! Thanks for visiting, here I am visiting you all back!

sunshine smile


Heygirl said...

been here... blog walking.. cool page!